Viewings During COVID-19
We are delighted that the UK housing market has re-opened, and we can recommence property viewings.
Virtual Viewings :
We know there may still be some uncertainty about being in touch with others so initially we are conducting virtual viewings using FaceTime and Video calling technology, along with access to our website with photographs and videos on, to show you around and get to know you including involving housemates where possible. This has the benefit of saving you a lot of wasted time on viewing properties that aren't what you are looking for and can be done from the comfort of your current home.
Once you have decided that the property is right for you, we can arrange to meet at the property whilst adhering to Government social distancing guidelines and following our safety procedures below.
Before Actual Viewings :
All occupants of the property and the viewer will be asked whether they are showing symptoms or have been asked to self-isolate.
A time will be agreed with the housemates when it is safe to visit and they can either be out of the house, in their bedrooms or in the garden.
During Viewings :
The person conducting the viewing will be the first one to enter the property and the last one to leave. This person will open external doors where possible to let air in, and use PPE equipment and sanitiser.
Housemates will be asked to open all communal internal doors prior to the appointment.
Housemates will be asked to sanitise touch points such as communal door handles, light switches and grab rails on stairs using antibacterial cleaning products prior to viewings.
The housemates should vacate the property, or stay in their bedrooms or garden whilst viewings are taking place in order to minimise contact with those not in their household. It may be possible to meet housemates in the garden whilst maintaining a 2-metre separation.
Applicants should come to viewings with appropriate PPE (hand sanitiser, face mask and gloves).
Shoes should be removed upon entering the property and, after doing so, hands should be sanitised. All parties present at or attending a viewing must maintain a 2-metre separation.
Applicants should avoid touching surfaces, hand rails, door handles, light switches etc. whilst in the property. Once the viewing has taken place, the person conducting the viewing will wipe down touch points as appropriate.
Tenancy Agreement / Referencing :
Two copies of the Agreement, along with a Credit Check Authorisation Form will be provided to read over, discuss and sign along with the following documentation by email:
* Application form
* Safety Certificates
* How to Rent Booklet
* Privacy Notice (GDPR)
* Guarantor paperwork (if applicable)
Upon reserving the room a Holding Deposit (the equivalent to one weeks rent) will be payable, along with the Security Deposit (the equivalent to five weeks rent). The Holding Deposit subsequently pays towards your first rental payment and the Security Deposit is insured with MyDeposits and a Certificate of Insurance provided, along with the Prescribed Information about the scheme.
A move in date will be agreed which is subject to satisfactory and timely checks being carried including Referencing, Credit Check, Right to Rent checks and Guarantor checks (if applicable).
Right to Rent Checks - Applicants will be asked to bring their passport with them to viewings in order that these may be checked in person as part of the Right to Rent checks or asked for a share code.
Moving in :
Prior to moving in the following will be carried out:
All Communal areas of the property will be professionally cleaned using hospital grade products.
An independent inventory company will carry out a detailed Inventory documenting the condition and cleanliness of the property. This will be emailed to you to read over, check and sign.
All occupants of the property and the new tenant will be asked whether they are showing symptoms or have been asked to self-isolate.
If a move-in date is delayed due to one or more involved parties falling ill with coronavirus, we will work with everyone concerned to arrange a new move date.
Check-in :
The new tenant will be met at the property at an agreed time.
Both the new tenant and the person conducting the Check-in should come with appropriate PPE (hand sanitiser, face mask and gloves).
Shoes should be removed upon entering the property and, after doing so, hands should be sanitised.
All parties present at or attending must maintain a 2-metre separation.
Keys will be sanitised prior to handing over.